Why should I include Zinc in my diet?​

Why should I include Zinc in my diet?



Zinc is an essential mineral for the regeneration of cellular tissues and for the synthesis of DNA, so its adequate contribution is important to guarantee the correct growth and development in childhood (and during pregnancy) , as well as to replace the old cells for others.



Furthermore, zinc is an active part of some of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

This mineral is also involved in the production of hormones such as testosterone, contributes to maintaining the health of the skin, hair and nails and, above all, its adequate contribution is key to strengthening the defenses of the immune system (in fact, in treating colds using zinc supplements).



The absorption of zinc is limited and depends on the reserves that the body has. The one that comes from foods of animal origin is used better than that of vegetables.

In addition, proteins and vitamin C favor its absorption . In contrast, oxalic acid and phytic acid decrease it. It is also made difficult by excess copper, calcium and phosphorus.

  • Recommended daily dose: 7-8 milligrams / day for women and 9-11 milligrams for men.


Like other minerals and nutrients, the effects zinc has on your body will largely depend on its amount. That is why it can cause some health problems both due to excess and shortage.

Zinc deficiency problems

Zinc deficiency causes delayed growth in children, greater susceptibility to infections, anorexia with consequent weight loss, night vision is reduced, wound healing is slower, there is a regressive loss of taste and senses. smell and skin lesions such as scaly skin and white spots on the nails can occur.

On the other hand, low levels of this mineral are also associated with reduced testosterone levels and hypogonadism (shrunken testicles in men), according to a study published in the journal “Nutrition.”

A balanced diet usually meets the requirements of all the necessary nutrients, but in case of alcoholism, digestive diseases or following a very monotonous and low-calorie diet , a deficiency of this mineral could occur. In this case it is important to seek medical advice and assess the usefulness of taking a supplement of this mineral .

Problems caused by excess zinc

Through the diet there are no problems of excess of this mineral, but when supplements are taken they can occur. Taking high doses of zinc on a regular basis (more than 150 mg of zinc per day) can lead to copper deficiency , altered iron levels and a weakening of the immune system.

Other symptoms that may also occur include low blood pressure, seizures, joint pain, and a metallic taste in the mouth.

Also, keep in mind that accidentally taking a dose of more than 200 mg of zinc causes nausea and vomiting, and can be dangerous.


If you are interested in incorporating foods that contain a large amount of zinc into your diet, include meats, fish, shellfish (especially oysters) , nuts, whole grains, legumes and milk on your menu .

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