
Conquer Procaine 2% 50mL Multi-dose vial

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $45.00.

Since its creation, Procaine has not only been used with an anesthetic purpose, but with other therapeutic uses as well.



Conquer Procaine 2%?

Conquer Procaine 2%) is a local anesthetic. Conquer Procaine 2%) causes loss of feeling (numbness) of skin and mucous membranes.Conquer Procaine 2%) is used as an injection during surgery and other medical and dental procedures.Conquer Procaine 2% may also be used for purposes other than those listed here.

Conquer Procaine 2% description

A local anesthetic of the ester type that has a slow onset and a short duration of action. It is mainly used for infiltration anesthesia, peripheral nerve block, and spinal block.

Conquer Procaine  2% dosage

As with all local anesthetics, the dose of Conquer Procaine 2% varies and depends upon the area to be anesthetized, the vascularity of the tissues, the number of neuronal segments to be blocked, individual tolerance, and the technique of anesthesia. The lowest dose needed to provide effective anesthesia should be administered.

The diluent may be sterile normal saline, sterile distilled water, spinal fluid; and for hyperbaric technique, sterile dextrose solution.

The usual rate of injection is 1 mL per 5 seconds. Full anesthesia and fixation usually occur in 5 minutes.


The drug in intact ampuls is sterile. The preferred method of destroying bacteria on the exterior of ampuls before opening is heat sterilization (autoclaving). Immersion in antiseptic solution is not recommended.

Autoclave at 15-pound pressure, at 121°C (250°F), for 15 minutes. The diluent dextrose may show some brown discoloration due to caramelization.

Protect solutions from light.

Other uses of procaine 2%

Since its creation, Procaine has not only been used with an anesthetic purpose, but with other therapeutic uses as well. In 1906, Vishnevsky described the anti-inflammatory effect of procaine when it was applied. In the next years, other authors including Leriche, Braun and Spiess reported various successful effects in treating several conditions such as trigeminal neuralgia, migraine, throat cancer, fractures, post-operative pain and a wide range of dystrophic disturbances.

In 1925, HUNEKE brothers were the first to administer procaine intravenously. Further, these German authors investigated several effects of procaine finding that it could be useful in the treatment of numerous pathologies via subcutaneous, intradermal, intramuscular and neural infiltrations. For this reason, they firstly titled this therapy as “therapeutic anesthesia”. Later, they also reported not only changes in pathologies when it was applied segmentally, but also noticed immediate changes distant to the segment (the so-called “lighting reaction”). They later recommended this kind of therapy, referred today as neural therapy. Nowadays, neural therapy is widely practiced by the medical community in Europe and Latin America, mainly [4-10]. In Russia, several authors were also investigating the therapeutic effects of Procaine. AD Speransky, a disciple of IP Pavlov, in 1936, published “Basis for a new theory of Medicine” in which he demonstrated the broad anti-dystrophic effect of procaine in numerous acute and chronic pathologies within which infectious diseases were included. His observations were confirmed by AV Vishvensky and AA Vishvensky who explained procaine’s mechanism of action as having an eutrophic effect on the organism which, in turn, is based on conditioned reflexes theory of IP Pavlov. The term “throphism” refers to a physiological process of metabolism which keeps a normal physicochemical state of the internal medium in the organism and which is regulated by the sum of all innervation systems.
Presently, it’s reported that long-term relaxing, anti-depressive and anxiolytic effects are often observed when IV applications or short-term infusions of Procaine are given. It has been demonstrated that when procaine is administrated intravenously in humans, it increases blood flow to the anterior para-limbic zones and the amygdala cerebral, as well as improves hemodynamic effects of the heart. Other areas of the limbic system have been studied after procaine administration in animal models, finding activity on many muscarinic cholinergic receptors of hippocampus. Several authors have reported procaine’s activity on many biochemical systems such as dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, glutamate, among others. For these reasons, procaine is considered as useful for studying limbic system and emotions.


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