Magnesium Chloride: what is it for and what are its benefits, properties and contraindications?

What is magnesium chloride?

Magnesium chloride is a chemical compound made up mainly of chlorine and magnesium that, in addition to having many and varied applications in industry, is a very beneficial element for our health. In this post we are going to develop this question: the benefits and properties of magnesium chloride .

What foods are rich in magnesium?

The most recommended way to take magnesium is by eating foods rich in this nutrient. As has been seen, it is an element present in many foods, so that all people, regardless of the type of diet followed, have easy access to magnesium. 

There are a large number of foods that contain magnesium and that can help us to supply its deficit naturally:

  • Cocoa
  • Dark green leafy vegetables.
  • Fruits such as banana, apricot, peach, plum or apple.
  • Nuts such as almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, or walnuts.
  • Legumes such as peas or lentils.
  • Cereals such as oatmeal or brown rice.
  • Vegetables such as potato or pumpkin.
  • Beer yeast.
  • Meat, milk and egg.
  • Fish and shellfish.

What are the main food supplements that contain magnesium? 

In the case of people with a magnesium deficiency (generally linked to poor absorption), the consumption of nutritional supplements, such as magnesium chloride, whose formula is MgCl2, may be recommended. 

This measure should only be followed by those people who have a magnesium deficiency, so it is only recommended to take this type of supplements in the event that the GP advises it after having carried out the corresponding tests. 

What is the difference between magnesium and magnesium chloride?

Magnesium is a mineral that plays a very important role in the functioning of the human body. Magnesium chloride is a supplement (salt) that contains magnesium. In addition to magnesium chloride, there are other salts that contain this mineral, such as magnesium sulfate, magnesium oxide or magnesium carbonate, among others.

What is magnesium chloride for? Properties and benefits

What is magnesium chloride for? Properties and benefits

Main benefits

  • Magnesium chloride is mainly characterized by its ability to activate and vitalize kidney functions, acting effectively in the elimination of acid that accumulates in the organs.
  • It is also helpful in reducing high levels of LDL cholesterol (or bad cholesterol), especially when consumed regularly.
  • It balances the PH of the blood, that is, the intake of sodium chloride helps to keep our blood free of impurities.
  • Another very important benefit of this compound is that it facilitates the proper functioning of the different brain functions, which translates into a revitalization of nerve impulses, promoting mental balance and, in this way, acting as a natural barrier against depression, stress and anxiety situations.
  • Strengthens teeth.
  • Magnesium chloride is a great ally for athletes, as it helps prevent muscle injuries and accelerate their healing when they have already occurred.
  • Another of its main benefits is related to its contribution to the maintenance of firm and strong bones, since it improves bone density and helps prevent osteoporosis, which is so common, especially in women after a certain age. In addition, it helps prevent and relieve symptoms in people with diseases such as osteoarthritis.

What are the main properties and benefits of magnesium chloride for the eyes?

As we have seen with other systems and parts of the body, magnesium contributes to good visual health in different areas:

  • On the one hand, many clinical studies have shown that increasing the amount of magnesium in the diet can protect the patient from developing type II diabetes. Diabetes, among other organs, especially affects the eyes causing diseases such as diabetic retinopathy .
  • On the other hand, by reducing cholesterol levels and promoting proper blood circulation, magnesium also helps to care for the veins and arteries that nourish the ocular system.

What visual symptoms does a lack of magnesium cause?

Among other symptoms, such as cartilage degeneration or muscle discomfort, the lack of magnesium in the body brings with it some visual consequences, such as photophobia , difficulty in adapting to light, seeing lights or flashes with eyes closed and spasms or tics in the eyelids.

How do you take magnesium chloride?

There are several options for preparing and taking magnesium chloride:

  • Prepare it at home. You only need 30 grams of crystallized magnesium chloride (which can be purchased in health food stores) and 1 liter of water. The preparation is very simple: pour the liter of water into a saucepan and put it on the fire. Once it has reached the boiling temperature, it is removed from the heat and allowed to cool. The next step is to transfer the water from the saucepan to a glass container and dissolve the crystallized magnesium chloride. Finally, everything is mixed well.
  • It can also be consumed already prepared in tablets that are also sold in health food stores.
  • As for the quantities, the usual thing is to take one to two tablespoons a day.

What are the contraindications of magnesium chloride?

Regarding the contraindications of magnesium chloride, they are not significant in healthy subjects, especially if it is taken naturally. However, its intake in the form of pills or food supplements should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since some problems related to its excessive consumption have been detected. Some of the most relevant magnesium chloride side effects are the following:

  • Diarrhea and colitis: Magnesium or magnesium chloride has laxative properties, which is why it can lead to diarrhea, colitis and other intestinal problems. In the event that these symptoms are noticed, it is best to immediately suspend its intake and consult with the specialist.
  • Kidney problems: They are not the most common, but some people with a predisposition to kidney stones should limit the consumption of magnesium and all its compounds, as it can facilitate their appearance and the subsequent problems associated with them.

In any case, it is always recommended to consult the intake of this type of compound with the doctor.

What if there is excess magnesium in the body?

The recommended value of magnesium in adults is 1.5 to 2.5 mEq / L. When these values are exceeded, what is known as hypermagnesemia occurs. That is, an excess of magnesium levels in the body. 

Some of its most common consequences of this situation are:

  • Degradation or destruction of cells in the body, which, in turn, causes excess magnesium to discharge into the bloodstream and can lead to kidney problems resulting from the inability of the kidneys to excrete excess magnesium normally. 
  • Although sometimes the person with an excess of magnesium does not notice any symptoms, they may experience muscle weakness, confusion, and decreased reflexes. 

In any case, if a medical examination detects an abnormality in magnesium levels, it is important to follow proper medical control and treatment for each case and patient, as it can be a sign of serious medical problems.

Eating a balanced diet, with all the macro and micronutrients necessary for the body, is the fundamental basis on which an optimal state of general and visual health is sustained. If, in addition, we carry out physical exercise on a regular basis and proportional to our age, and we go to the doctor regularly even if we do not notice any anomaly in our health, we will be on the right path to enjoy good health for many years.

More benefits of magnesium chloride

Those previously exposed, being the main ones, are not the only benefits of magnesium chloride, since among its many properties are also the following:

  • It favors proper blood circulation and helps to improve the situation in people who suffer from arrhythmias.
  • Magnesium helps fight heart attacks.
  • Stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Relieves bronchitis.
  • Promotes good digestion.
  • Prevents kidney stones.
  • Improves the immune system by helping the production of antibodies.