Welcome to


Long Living Life

Making a World of Difference in Cancer Care

Long Living Life Approach for Health

Effective, side-effect free, non-toxic anti-cancer therapies

Regenerative alternative and integrative therapies.

Each treatment plan is tailored to your unique needs, preferences, and circumstances, addressing your concerns and strengths.

Who we are


We are an alternative-integrative cancer treatment center based in Tijuana Mexico, conveniently located 10 minutes south of the border with San Diego. Dedicated to providing effective, side-effect free, non-toxic anti-cancer, and regenerative alternative and integrative therapies, we offer comprehensive, personalized treatments plans that target the specific needs of each patient utilizing an optimal combination of both conventional therapies and proven alternative medicine. We will be happy to partner with you and your loved ones in finding the ideal cancer-specific treatment plan.

Treatment and care for individuals who use our services are always centered on the patient’s needs and delivered with the utmost expertise and professionalism, ensuring that those who rely on us achieve an optimal state of physical, and emotional health.


What Make us different

At Long Living Life the treatment is always tailored according to the patient’s disease by adding complementary therapies to the treatment protocol, the immune system is supported and enhanced. At Long Living Life your treatment is always tailored, we customize your treatment, and use only substances and therapies that work best with your body. By rebuilding and strengthening the immune system, your body is better able to fight cancer and other chronic diseases, and to prevent recurrences in the future.


Home Treatments and Remote Consultation

This is a protocol for patients who wish to do a cancer-specific therapy but cannot come to Tijuana or are limited in the number of days that they can spend away from home.


Home Treatment

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